Saturday, 23 October 2010

The Walking Dead - Genius at Play

A good few months back I posted about my complete disappointment in George A. Romero's 'of the Dead'. A view I still hold, my god it was shit. Since then we've had nothing to shout home about in Zombieland (see what I did there?). A new Resident Evil in the form of the utterly rubbish Resident Evil Afterlife, which, even by the standards set by the previous three films, is by far the worst of the bunch and several straight to DVD dead-walking band wagon wannabes, none whose names I wish to sully this thread with. There have been some high points in the post-apocalypse genre however, most notably the excellent 'The Road' and equally good 'Book of Eli'. But nothing of note that fully qualifies as a proper Zombie film. Until now that is...

It's taken a 7 year old comic book, the producer of Aliens and The Terminator and the director of The Shawshank Redemption to jolt the Zombies back to life with what looks to be the best Horror shows since Dead Set. It is, or course, AMC's The Walking Dead.

Based on Robert Kirkman's stunning graphic novels the story chronicles the travels of a group of people trying to survive in a world stricken by a zombie apocalypse. Slow paced and dialogue heavy this is not your standard gore-fest of a horror novel and nor is it's TV translation.

The pre-air pilot released this week on-line is nothing short of genius. Every second of its 70 minute run-time is a delight. I shall go into more detail of the show as more episodes arrive, but as of now, with high praise for its pilot, it looks like an early commission that extends past its originally green-lit six parts is a sure thing. Isn't it?


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Please try, at best, not to use swear words. I know I do from time to time but try. Manny