To be honest this blog here is really intended be my virtual diary (of sorts) and soap box. Not designed nor intended per se for public consumption. However, being that it is on-line, called a blog and isn't really that personel I can't stop others from reading it and, and you'd really have to ask yourself why, comment on it. So from the kick-off I may well just assume others are here. Therefore, seeing that you are here, I'll try (granted not very hard) to make it read legibly and attempt , on the most part, to be nice.
As it's THE first post I'd best write something that'll going down in infamy as the most single most useless piece of nonsense that has ever been virtually written since the invention of the internet. Something so completely inane that it'll be forgotten within a guaranteed time frame or your money back. Here goes:
As it's THE first post I'd best write something that'll going down in infamy as the most single most useless piece of nonsense that has ever been virtually written since the invention of the internet. Something so completely inane that it'll be forgotten within a guaranteed time frame or your money back. Here goes:
"Welcome to this new Blog, I hope you spend more time here than you did the last time you went to the toilet, or a least reviewing this mornings post.
I shall be, for want of a better word, 'vomiting' my random thoughts from my over analytical mind into (and all over) this Blog. It will also contain such sporadic highlights as short stories, all kinds of media reviews and will be debating issues of a contemporary nature... and stuff. It is required to be completely inconsistent, lazy, self deprecating and hopefully, every now and then, witty and, to a far lesser extent, informative... just like me :-)
I look forward to future posts. I'll be checking back.